Course materials for UCL module COMP0088
Course materials for the Introduction to Machine Learning module at UCL Computer Science, for delivery in Term 1 (September-December 2024). This is a secondary site for publicly-accessible resources, notably those used by the Colab notebooks for the weekly lab sessions. The primary hub for the module is its UCL Moodle page.
Pre-recorded lecture videos can be found on the module YouTube channel.
PDF slide decks to accompany the lectures are in the lectures repo.
Colab notebooks are linked below. Click the link to open in Colab. You will probably receive a warning that the notebook was not authored by Google, which is obviously true — please trust it anyway. Once opened, you will need to save a copy in your own Google Drive in order to be able to save your changes.
The older .py
version of the assignments can be found in the labs repo. If for some reason you can’t or don’t wish to use Colab, you are welcome to use these instead — the material covered is pretty similar — but note that TAs will not provide technical support for these versions or for your local Python setup.